
Dungeon keeper 2 special rooms
Dungeon keeper 2 special rooms

This may not be true of later releases, but I found it simply runs better on Pentium II era machines. It seems that if the system has more than 500MB of memory it gets unreliable.

dungeon keeper 2 special rooms

I have noticed that the game does play best on older computers. it's also quite fun to watch your creatures disco dancing in the casino to 1970's tunes. or at midnight the announcement "'Tis the witching hour curses are half price". There is a LOT of really quirky humor woven into the game, such as the very grim warning "Your dungeon is filled with yoghurt". Having played games like Diablo for some years prior it was just simply a blast playing the other side, where you have to protect your evil dungeon from a ll of those pesky goody-two-shoes heroes. Probably what appeals to me more than anything else is that it is just fun to be the bad guy.

dungeon keeper 2 special rooms

You can also possess creatures under your control and play first person, though this is only practical to carry out specific missions. Game play is third-person you look down on your creatures and dungeon from "on high". It is an old game, out of print, and the graphics are dated by today's standards, though they were considered quite good when it was released. The first thing I must mention is that the graphics are excellent for the era from which this game was written. I purchased this as a replacement for a broken disk. Multi-player options complement the campaign and skirmish modes with Internet and LAN support for up to four players. Dungeon Keeper 2 offers several modes of play, including the unique "My Pet Dungeon" mode in which you can build the dungeon of your dreams without invoking campaign rules and objectives.

dungeon keeper 2 special rooms

Other game components include more than a dozen terrain and room types, ranging from workshops to cemeteries, more than a dozen creatures to conjure, keeper spells (12), creature spells (25) and a large variety of traps, tricks and doors. The game features a short tutorial that allows dungeon keepers to learn about game aspects such as digging, fighting, creature development and room building. Provide drinking and gambling areas for your army and devise devilish traps and snares to foil the forces of good as they try to infiltrate your lair.ĭungeon Keeper 2 features actions such as casting spells, possessing creatures, sniping, sneaking or creeping around, torture and generally performing dozens of other abilities worthy of the lowest scum you can conjure up to help build your dungeons and wreak havoc on the world. Shape your dungeons by digging tunnels, chambers, rooms and torture chambers, build a library to house evil magic spells or create a combat pit arena where you can jump in the ring and develop fighting skills from a first-person perspective or simply watch your minions hone devious fighting techniques.

dungeon keeper 2 special rooms

The entire scope and shape of your underground realm depends on your abilities to layout a suitable nesting place for the other-worldly scum you must recruit in order to overcome good and supplant it with evil. With help from the Horned Reaper, you'll need to mine gold to entice the evil denizens to work for you, provide sleeping arrangements for them and create a hatchery for breeding and feeding. Indeed, creation of a dark army of nefarious creatures is the uppermost objective in Dungeon Keeper 2 as you strive to capture and control the Portal Gems left behind by Reginald's mages in an attempt to block movement of your army and keep it imprisoned underground for eternity.

  • The sequel to Dungeon Keeper, from Bullfrog Productions Ltd., has the player once again building an army of the most vile, nasty, wicked and loathsome creatures imaginable with the ultimate goal of attacking and destroying King Reginald's legions of Harmonia heroes.

  • Dungeon keeper 2 special rooms